Tuesday, March 04, 2008


For those of you who are interested in the "No Sugar" portion of the Healthy Challenges, you need to know what I learned yesterday.

You'll also need to brace yourself for this shock of all shockers.

Run and fill a glass of water to have near you before you read further. Bring a clean cloth, too, in case you need to put it on your forehead after you read what I have to say.

Now, make sure you are planted firmly in your chair.

Are you ready? Then read on, my friend.

If you are going to earn a point for eating no sugar, you need to check the ingredients of all the foods you eat. If one of the first 6, yes SIX, ingredients is sugar, then don't eat it! This includes regular yogurt, most breakfast cereals, salad dressings, even bread!!! Crazy, I know! Check some labels. You'll see.

Now, I haven't attempted to earn any points in the "No sugar" category. It's not worth it to me. Plus, I know from experience that I can lose all the weight I want to without depriving myself of the sweet things in life. In my opinion it's more a matter of limiting, not eliminating, sugar intake.

Wouldn't you rather weight lift and extra 20 minutes for that extra point? It's up to you, of course. Good luck with whatever you decide.


burkitos said...

Even fruit has sugar. I think a balanced diet is the best bet with moderation in everything. Thanks for the info.

i'm erin. said...

well, I will tell you what, I earn every point I can in one day except for the sugar point, on that one, I try to overload as much as I can so I will eventually OD and then never want to eat sugar again, so far that hasn't happened, but I will keep working on it.

Unknown said...

I am just going to pretend I didn't read that post. Although I find Erin's strategy quite intriguing.