Monday, April 06, 2009

I can't help it!!!

Ahhh...Remember when Jarid first brought him home.. his little kennel.
We upgraded within a week to a mid-size model and thought we were done.

Oh yeah. He's big.
Time to upgrade again.

Julian calls these "Kissing Attacks."
I think he's learned it goes over much better to lick than to bite.
He gets her good and she loves it.

And Mama...Logan loves him. Here he's being pretty tame. But, he's not usually as gentle as Julian. He usually walks right up to Rascal, firmly places his hand on the top of Rascal's fluffy head, and bear-hugs him. Yep. This sweet puppy has been a real confidence booster for him.


I am a mother! said...

Glad you guys are loving him so much! Makes me want to get a pet. I am leaning more towards a cat though...a hairless one.

burkitos said...

Well, if you need a big dog house, your old one is at the farmhouse. Oh, I saw Strider yesterday. He looked great!

So glad that Rascal has been good for the kids. I just wonder how big he'll get.