Friday, November 21, 2008

Reflections Victory!!!...and a Time Loop.

Julian placed 2nd in the 3-D Art category! And her little animals were selected to go on to Council Level!

On a different note...I'm relieved to finally arrive at Friday. Most days this week, as I left work, I felt an overwhelming "Friday" feeling. I was trapped in a time loop that didn't provide satisfaction until today. Whew! I'm glad I made it. And next week should prove fabulous.
I think I'll lay down for a bit before making dinner.


burkitos said...


I am a mother! said...

Yay Julian! You are amazing!

Glad Friday finally rolled around for you. Why is it that some weeks go by so fast and some so slowly?

Peggy Eddleman said...

Congrats, Julian! I saw those in the gallery, and they were even more awesome in person! You did a fantastic job. I'm so happy they will be moving on to council level!

becca said...

She sure is talented!

JoMamma said...

That is so cool! Congratulation!!!