Sunday, October 05, 2008

What a Catch!!

Know any motivated, active, single guys???
My sister, Melissa, is on the prowl. (hee hee)

She donated her hair to Locks of Love this weekend and doesn't she look gorgeous!?

She's successful, fun, fit and a fabulous person to boot!
We love her SO much!


burkitos said...

Before her haircut, she looked a bit like Jane Seymour.

Carterista said...

Yeah, I can see it. That angle shows it well.

Carterista said...

And did you know Jane Seymour was born Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg.

Remember that song with ...Catalina Madalina whoopasocka Walamina Hogan-bottom-logan was her name...?

Jane's third name just reminded me of that exciting bit of our past. :-0

i'm erin. said...

Melissa is a babe no matter what! I think she would look hot as GI jane all shaved and what not.

I am a mother! said...

You are right Melissa is a catch!!! I wish I knew tons and tons of eligible single guys to set her up with.