This past weekend we had the rare opportunity to make an impromptu trip up to Jarid's parents' cabin...just the four of us. The last time we went up was last fall. (You may remember out Christmas card picture.) We had a great time relaxing, reading, playing, riding and having fun together!

Here is a picture of the view from the main deck of the cabin and one of the same view through binoculars. Fun, huh? It would be easier if my camera had cool lenses, but I love my camera just the same!

Here is a picture taken of the interior of the cabin from the main deck. Isn't it great? Julian is standing in front of the bear Grandpa Carter shot many years ago. That was before he started shooting only pictures. :-)

Here's Logan looking large and in charge on the side deck. This is where chipmunks are frequently seen scampering through the decorative rocks in from of the front steps.
The first day the kids went on a 4-wheeler ride with Jarid. They are always up for a ride! They like him to do tricks at a little clearing where the dirt trails are like a rollar-coaster ride.

I barely caught the sunset after watching a silly movie with Jarid.

Before bed we roasted marshmallows in a cool portable fireplace on the main deck. I made sure I had all the ingredients for s'mores. I think I'm the only one who really liked them, though.

On the second day I took the kids on an adventurous 4-wheeler ride to "The Lookout." Check out the serene view! You can see miles and miles of untouched wilderness up here.

Jarid and I would really like to make a trip up here on our own soon, but I also think it would be great fun to host a Girl's Get-Away! Let me know if you are interested. It's an hour from my house, plus another 20 minutes up the mountain. Now, doesn't that sound like fun??
Beautiful photos! I am glad you had a weekend to get away, destress and just have some fun!
Love to all!
Wow...your pictures are really pretty! So I see there is competition now eh? Were you trying to intimidate me with the dead bear in the background of your picture? I see that you are trying to symbolically suggest that you will skin me with your picture taking skills...well the game is afoot! I will meet your challenge carterista! (insert evil laugh) Remember, a picture is worth a 1000 words, Have I got a special picture for you (echo of evil laugh)
until we meet again, Carterista...
This blog takes me back......I equate the interior shot of the stairs to the feeling of whizzing down a steep mountainside on a sleeping bag.....I have a mental picture of Ron Stubbs cooking yummy food while we sat on the porch and watched. I remember playing "evil face card games" under the semi-watchful eye of Mijken. I had one sleepless night discussing every topic there ever was with Caroline and I recall that there were almost no over-dramatic moments with the girls. In short--I have not one bad memory associated with your cabin. No wonder it remains one of my favorite YM recollections ever!! Hope you were as relaxed as I was!
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